弁護士会ホーム > ガザ地区での武力紛争の即時停戦を求め、イスラエルとパレスチナの人々の恒久的な平和を願う会長声明 President’s Statement Calling for an Immediate Ceasefire in the Armed Conflict in the Gaza Strip and Expressing the Hope for Lasting Peace Between the People of Israel and Palestine

ガザ地区での武力紛争の即時停戦を求め、イスラエルとパレスチナの人々の恒久的な平和を願う会長声明 President’s Statement Calling for an Immediate Ceasefire in the Armed Conflict in the Gaza Strip and Expressing the Hope for Lasting Peace Between the People of Israel and Palestine



1 ガザ地区は、イスラエルによって長年にわたり占領、封鎖され、燃料や物資の不足、高い失業率などの貧困に直面している。そのガザ地区を拠点にしているハマス等パレスチナ武装勢力は、2023年10月7日、イスラエルへ無差別攻撃を行い、これまで1200人以上のイスラエル市民と外国人が死亡し、数百人のイスラエル市民と外国人が人質にされたと報じられている。このようなハマス等武装勢力の行為は国際人道法に反する。

2 同日以降、イスラエルは、ガザ地区に大規模空爆などの激しい攻撃を繰り広げている。攻撃の対象は、病院や学校などにも及び、12月20日時点で死者は2万人を超えたとされている(ガザ地区当局の発表)。そして、その約70%は女性や子どもであるとみられる。

3 日本国憲法は、「平和を維持し、専制と隷従、圧迫と偏狭を地上から永遠に除去しようと努めてゐる国際社会において、名誉ある地位を占めたい」と宣言し、「全世界の国民が、ひとしく恐怖と欠乏から免かれ、平和のうちに生存する権利を有することを確認」している。この日本国憲法の平和主義の理念は、国際社会においても共有されるべきである。

4 当会は、犠牲となった全ての方々に対し哀悼の意を表するとともに、今まさに恐怖と欠乏の中にある人々に思いを寄せ、恒久的な平和を強く願う。そして、軍事によらない平和的解決に向けて尽力されている方々に連帯の意思を表明するとともに、日本政府に対し、その連帯を広げ、停戦と人道危機の解消が一刻も早く実現するよう一層の外交努力を求める。


仙 台 弁 護 士 会

会 長  野 呂   圭


President’s Statement Calling for an Immediate Ceasefire in the Armed Conflict in the Gaza Strip and Expressing the Hope for Lasting Peace Between the People of Israel and Palestine

December 21, 2023

Kei Noro

President, Sendai Bar Association

 The Gaza Strip, subjected to prolonged occupation and blockade by Israel, faces poverty due to a scarcity of fuel and supplies, and high unemployment. Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups based in the Gaza Strip carried out indiscriminate attacks on Israel on October 7, 2023. It is reported that these actions have led to the deaths of over 1,200 Israeli citizens and foreigners, with several hundreds taken hostage. These acts by Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups are in violation of international humanitarian law.

 Since that day, Israel has intensified its attacks on the Gaza Strip, including large-scale aerial bombings. These attacks have targeted hospitals and schools, and, as of December 20, the death toll exceeds 20,000 (according to the Gaza authorities), with about 70% believed to be women and children.
 The conflict has also forced many civilians to be displaced, leading to a shortage of medical and essential supplies due to poor conditions at their new locations.
 In view of this situation, Israel’s actions are considered serious violations of the principles of distinction (targeting only military objectives and prohibiting indiscriminate attacks), proportionality (limiting collateral damage to civilians and civilian property), and precautions (obligations to prevent indiscriminate attacks and minimize harm to civilians and civilian property), such as stipulated in the Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions, and may constitute international crimes such as war crimes and genocide.

 The Constitution of Japan declares that “We desire to occupy an honored place in an international society striving for the preservation of peace, and the banishment of tyranny and slavery, oppression and intolerance for all time from the earth.” Furthermore, it states that “We recognize that all peoples of the world have the right to live in peace, free from fear and want.” This pacifist principle of the Japanese Constitution should be shared within the international community.
 Although there have been temporary ceasefires in the armed conflict, an immediate ceasefire is essential to ensure the fundamental human rights of life, body, health, and property of citizens. Furthermore, increased humanitarian access (allowing personnel from neutral organizations like the UN to enter conflict zones for humanitarian aid) should be enforced immediately for assisting the impoverished citizens of the Gaza Strip.

 We, Sendai Bar Association, express condolences to all who have perished and extend our thoughts to those currently living in fear and deprivation, strongly hoping for lasting peace. We also express solidarity with those working towards a peaceful resolution without military means, and urge the Japanese government to expand this solidarity and intensify diplomatic efforts to achieve a ceasefire and resolve the humanitarian crisis as soon as possible.


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